Sixth Form

Results and Destinations

2024 Results

Cobham Free School sixth form students have achieved a commendable set of A level results today in a broad and balanced curriculum of 20 subjects. The results will enable the students to enter top university destinations in preparation for exciting future careers. 

Students performed particularly well in Mathematics and English Literature, with 91% and 89% of entrants gaining A* to C in these subjects respectively. Highlights included 100% of students being awarded A* to B in Classical Civilisation and Further Mathematics, and A* to C grades being achieved by 100% of History and Art candidates, 80% of Physics students and 78% of those sitting Economics.

Cobham Free School is proud to offer a wide enrichment programme to sixth formers. A record number of students in Year 12 took the Extended Project Qualification, equivalent to half an A level, with 50% of the results graded A* to B in Summer 2024.

2023 Results

Highlights from this year’s A level results include: Almost a third of all our A Levels were graded A* and A and overall 74% of grades were awarded from A* to C. Value Added Progress was above average. Students had particular success in Further Maths and Chemistry with 100% of grades awarded A* to C; almost half of all students taking Maths A level were awarded A* and A; in Psychology 90% of grades were awarded A* to C (60% of which were A* and A); there were also commendable outcomes in History where 86% gained A* to C. The results mean that students will be enabled to enter top university destinations, including many Russell Group universities. 

We are also delighted to receive another strong set of results in the Extended Project Qualification where all students passed and almost half were awarded grade A. 

2022 Results

The Year 13 students achieved a strong set of A level results today. The examinations were the school’s first set of A levels to be externally marked following teacher assessed grades in 2021 due to the pandemic. 

Overall 74% of A Level grades were awarded from A* to C with more than a quarter of all grades A* and A. Students had particular success in Maths with 100% of grades awarded A* to C (63% of which were A* and A); there were also commendable outcomes in Computer Science, Physics, Further Maths and English Literature with 100% of grades awarded A* to C; in Business 83% A* to C and in Geography 71% A* to C. The results mean that students will be enabled to enter top university destinations, including: Warwick, Exeter, and Birmingham University Medical School. 

2021 Results

The superb A Levels outcomes will have secured the first cohort of Year 13 students with places at top leaving destinations. These include 13% achieving straight A*s and two students gaining entrance to medical school, with the majority of other students obtaining access to top Russell Group universities.

Across all subjects there was 89% A* - C pass rate, with 44% of grades being A* and A. Students performed exceptionally well in geography with 100% achieving A* - A, in maths with 83% A* - A, and in economics, with 80% A* - A.  More than half the cohort completed and achieved superb results in the Extended Project Qualification.

Some of our University destinations

2021 2022  2023 2024

Post 18 Destinations 2024

Institution Name Course code Course Placed

University of Bath L110 Mathematics

Bristol University LL14 Politics and Economics

Bournemouth University NN12 Business and Management

Birmingham University V110 Ancient History

Chichester University H600 Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Durham University X101 Primary Education

Exeter University L707 Geography with Study Abroad

Kingston University C600 Sport and Exercise Science

Kingston University N420 Accounting and Finance

Lancaster University N400 Accounting and Finance

Loughborough University N110 International Business

Manchester University M20 Criminology

Manchester Metropolitan University W200 Fashion Art Direction

Open University Primary Education

Oxford Brookes University C601 Sport and Exercise Science

Oxford Brookes University L100 Economics

Oxford Brookes University N100 Business Enterprise and Entrepreneurship

Oxford Brookes University V350 History of Art

Oxford Brookes University C606 Sport, Coaching and Physical Education

Oxford Brookes University K100 Architecture

Oxford Brookes University F80 Geography

Portsmouth University QQ31 English Language and Linguistics

Portsmouth University H200 Civil Engineering

Plymouth University F732 Ocean Science and Marine Conservation

Royal Holloway University Q300 English

Royal Holloway University Q30F English with Foundation

Royal Holloway University NN34 Finance and Accounting

Royal Holloway University NN16 Management with Human Resources

Southampton University V500 Philosophy

Surrey University H400 Aerospace Engineering

Winchester University VL22 Politics and History

York University M100 Law

Louisiana Tech, USA Golf Scholarship

Post 18 Destinations 2023

Institution Name Course code Course Placed

Aberystwyth University G400 Computer Science

University of Bath U150 Criminology

University of Birmingham B230 Pharmacy

University of Bristol F600 Geology

Cardiff University NT12 Business Studies and Japanese

University of Chichester W401 Acting for Film

University of Exeter I400 Computer Science

University of Exeter GG4D Computer Science and Mathematics

University of Exeter B100 Medical Sciences

Lancaster University 4V13 Business Economics

University of Manchester C800 Psychology

Universty of Nottingham X3BA Education

Nottingham Trent University N1R4 International Business with Spanish

Royal Holloway University LM39 Criminology and Sociology

Royal Holloway University C100 Biology

University of Stirling C801 Psychology

SOAS L250 International Relations

Solent University, Southampton P505 Sports Journalism

University of the West of England NN5F Business Management and Marketing

University of the West of England N110 International Business


BAE Systems - Engineering

Aviation Flight School

Post 18 Destinations 2022

Institution Name Course code Course Placed

University of Birmingham A100 Medicine

University of Portsmouth B210 Pharmacology

St George’s, University of London B940 Biomedical Science

Harper Adams University D300 Veterinary Bioscience

University of Exeter G100 Mathematics

Cardiff University H601 Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Oxford Brookes University B920 Occcupational Therapy

University of Warwick N40Y Accounting and Finance

University of Portsmouth B751 Dental Nursing

Brunel University W300 Music

St Mary’s University C604 Sports Rehabilitation

Newman University 8C57 Psychology and Counselling Studies

Kingston University G4NC Cyber Security and Digital Forensics

University of Central Lancashire H671 Robotics Engineering

University of York N501 Marketing

University of Surrey B744 Adult Nursing

University of Surrey B900 Biomedical Science (Foundation)

Post 18 Destinations 2021

Institution Name Course code Course Placed

University of Warwick V7MW Politics, Philosophy and Law

Keele University A100 Medicine

Southampton University G100 Mathematics

Manchester Metropolitan University G600 Software Engineering

University of Glasgow LL12 Politics and Economics

Newcastle University X390 Education

Brighton University B231 Pharmacy (Foundation)

Swansea University HBC9 Biomedical Science (Foundation)

University of Leeds F103 Chemistry

Chichester University C850 Counselling Psychology

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