At Cobham Free School, all students, whatever their needs or abilities, are valued and encouraged to develop confidence in themselves as learners and to have high aspirations. Support is provided for students that are identified as requiring additional or different provision to help them make progress.
We believe that all teachers need to have training and expertise in Special Educational Needs and Disability. We also promote an ethos of positive partnership between our staff and the parents/carers of our young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
Our SEND Team of specialist part-time teaching staff and Learning Support Assistants work alongside colleagues and parents/carers in and out of the classroom in order to overcome barriers to learning and progress.
To contact our SEND team please see our Contact page >
Support strategies and interventions vary across the key stages and are tailored to meet the needs of students identified as needing support:
‘Wave 1’: full access to the National Curriculum suitably differentiated to take account of each individual’s needs and taught in classes by subject specialist teachers.
‘Wave 2’: small group literacy and numeracy teaching is offered to students who are not meeting their age-related expected levels of progress in reading and spelling and principle numeracy (includes a particular focus on new children and Year 7 joiners).
‘Wave 3’: personalised literacy/numeracy teaching is offered to pupils if their literacy and numeracy levels are a significant barrier to learning.
‘Read Write Inc’ phonics support in groups and 1:1
‘Literacy Support Option’ in Key Stage 4 for students who may benefit from a reduced number of GCSE courses due to their difficulties with literacy.
In-class support from Learning Support Assistants with expertise in early years, Key Stages, curriculum subjects and individual needs.
Social and emotional nurture group work focusing on social skills, friendship etc. for targeted individuals, including ‘Friends for Life’ programme
Bespoke individual support and mentoring for pupils’ social and emotional well-being .
Access to a trained and qualified school counsellor and school nurse.
We also offer the facility of an after-school Homework Club.
Links with local parents support groups
Support for transition from primary school including special taster activities at the Senior School for Year 6 children, visits to the primary and nursery schools by the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCo) where necessary, and individualised support for Year 6 Students needing extra transition support.
For further information see the CFS SEND Policy and SEND Information Report in Policies and Documents >.