Subject - English


Reading and Phonics  Junior Intent Statement

At Cobham Free Junior School, reading is a top priority and underpins our whole curriculum. It is our intention to ensure that by the end of their primary education, all pupils are able to read fluently, and with confidence. Our aim is for children:
  • to have the skills to decode words in order to be able to read fluently 
  • to be able to make meaning from what they have read.
  • to develop children’s confidence in reading a wide variety of genres and text types
  • to become enthusiastic and motivated readers who have a lifelong appreciation of reading
  • to develop their ideas, knowledge and understanding of the wider world  and to appreciate its diversity
  • to integrate high quality texts to encourage cross-curricular learning
  • to receive appropriate targeted support to close learning gaps due to additional needs, socio-economic factors or the impact of Covid.
  • to increase the percentage of children in each year group meeting and exceeding the expected standard in reading from the post-Covid baseline at the end of July 2022.

Writing Junior Intent Statement

We believe that all pupils should be able to communicate their knowledge, ideas and feelings confidently through their writing. Through our teaching of writing we aim by the end of KS2 to: 
  • create children who are confident writers who are able to write clearly, accurately, coherently and creatively for different purposes and audiences.
  • develop children’s understanding of technical writing skills including phonics, spelling, handwriting, punctuation and grammar
  • support the acquisition of a wide vocabulary 
  • encourage a sense of pride in the presentation of written work by using a neat, legible style of handwriting with correctly formed letters in cursive script 
  • identify and pursue cross-curricular links
  • create an environment which promotes active learning, meaningful talk and exposure to a deep and rich vocabulary.
  • create opportunities for speaking, listening and drama activities across the curriculum 

Department led by:


Mrs Clare Roberts 


Mrs Jennie Drake 

Suggested Book Lists :

We are keen to promote a love of reading for pleasure and parents can use these links to find ideas for suitable fiction and non-fiction books .

Reception Year  4

Year 1 Year 5

Year 2 Year 6

Year 3

100 Books to Read Before You Leave Year 6                         More suggestions for each year group

Diverse and Inclusive Books      PSHE , Emotional Literacy and Citizenship Books