Subject - Drama


Teaching Staff


Intent Statement

Cobham Free School’s Drama department aims to develop our students’ ability to create, imagine and empathise. We encourage all students to develop their performance skills, resulting in improved confidence and communication. Central to our curriculum is a focus deepening students’ knowledge of theatre - not only its history, but also the work of contemporary theatre-makers. Our curriculum is also designed to develop students’ critical skills through analysing and evaluating their own work and that of others. 

Key Stage 3 - Drama

Year 7 

Basic Acting Skills and Stagecraft, Scriptwork and Theatre History, Improvisation, Silent Movies, Introduction to Shakespeare / A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Year 8 

Commedia dell’Arte, Physical Theatre, Stanislavski, Improvisation/devising, Scriptwork, The Tempest 


Year 9 

Puppetry (Kneehigh), Brecht and the devising cycle, A Practical Exploration of Macbeth, Writing Theatre Reviews

Key Stage 4 - Drama

Edexcel Drama GCSE (1DR0) 


Component 1 Devising (40%) - Portfolio and performance in Year 10 

Component 2 Performance from text (20%) - Performance exam in Year 11

Component 3 Theatre Makers in Practice (40%) - Written exam in Year 11

Section A: Bringing Texts to Life

Section B: Live Theatre Evaluation

Extra-curricular opportunities