Main School Redevelopment

Main School Redevelopment

On Tuesday 11 February 2020 planning permission was approved by Elmbridge Borough Council’s Planning Committee for the conversion of Munro House, Portsmouth Road, Cobham, into a new school building for Cobham Free School. The sixth form was already based at the Munro House site, following its successful opening in September 2019.

During the COVID-19 pandemic the Main School was completely transformed internally and externally. The transformation included the provision of six science laboratories, music and drama teaching rooms, recording studio, fine art, food technology and graphic design spaces, welfare and general teaching classrooms. Additionally, two new build blocks were created for performing arts and sports, including: a 520 seater auditorium, recital room, sports hall, activity/dance studio and changing provisions.

We are extremely thankful to all the staff and contractors involved, the project was completed and handed over on Wednesday 3 March 2021 which marked the end of a 10 year journey, bringing an all-through school to the Cobham community.

The below photos were taken at different points in the project, please note some were taken before the introduction of social distancing:

Mrs Khatib visiting the site

This space will become Senior school (Years 7-11) classrooms

Creating corridors in the once open plan room

These will be Senior school (Years 7-11) classrooms.

Crane to move items to and from the roof

This space will be the Junior school (Years 3-6) playground

Junior school playground (Years 3-6)

There will also be netball courts in this space

Senior school playground (Years 7-11)

Sixth Form and staff courtyard


Sports Hall

New cycle path

Aerial view (architects drawing)