Personal Development


Students will develop a wide range of skills and personal qualities during their time in Sixth Form in order to leave us as well rounded young adults ready to take on the challenges of the future. 

The programme is integrated into the broader curriculum with time dedicated to extension courses each week.  All Year 12 students take one of the options below as a complementary academic qualification.

Year 1 Level 3 Extension Course Options:

We encourage students to participate in enrichment activities including music and drama, recreational sports and fitness, well-being, peer mentoring in the all-through school, charity and voluntary work and student leadership. Many of these enrichment activities compliment students’ commitment to the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award giving them opportunities to challenge themselves, develop new skills and give something back to their community.

Who do we partner with?





Theatre Visit

Fitness Studio

CFS Has Got Talent

Staff V Student Football

Post 18 Guidance

It is our vision that every one of our students will leave CFS equipped and qualified to take up exciting opportunities in careers and Higher Education. They are advised and guided with bespoke UCAS preparation and careers advice. All students have a careers interview and we welcome representatives from universities to talk about the applications process and student finance. All students visit the UCAS Higher Education fair at Surrey University in Year 12

Work Experience

All Year 12 students are supported to find work experience during the year, whether in person or online.

See below for useful links to help you find work experience

Pastoral and Progress Support

Progress is monitored by subject teachers and the Head of Sixth Form to ensure that sixth formers fulfil their potential in all aspects of school life. Parents Evenings, progress reports and full reports inform parents that a students’ work, attendance and attitude to learning are on track for success. 

Students are treated and respected as young adults in CFS Sixth Form.  We encourage them to become resilient independent learners whilst recognising that young people need to be supported in terms of their academic progress and their pastoral well-being.

CFS Sixth Form students meet every day with their tutor who will monitor their overall progress and help if any difficulties arise. This tutor student relationship provides an essential support base and each student has the opportunity for one to one meetings with their tutor at least once a term. The tutor time and assembly programme provides guidance on study skills, relationships, well-being, life skills, cultural capital, and careers.

CFS Sixth Form Personal Development roadmap

Follow our Sixth Form social media account and find out what life is like as a Sixth Former at CFS.