Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium
Cobham Free School receives pupil premium funding and recovery premium funding (in the academic year 2021/22 and 2022/23) based on the number of pupils eligible for pupil premium each year. This applies to disadvantaged pupils who qualify for free school meals (FSM), pupils who have qualified for FSM at any point in the last 6 years (Ever 6 FSM), pupils who have been looked after by the local authority continuously for more than 6 months and armed forces families.
Schools are free to spend the pupil premium and recovery premium funding in any way that we think will benefit these pupils. We are held accountable for how we use this additional and valuable funding and a link to our current Pupil Premium Strategy Statement is below. Cobham Free School considers carefully how its funding allocation is spent to ensure that disadvantaged pupils are supported throughout their education with us and are ready for life beyond school.
The focus of our strategy is to support our disadvantaged pupils in making progress in line with their non-disadvantaged peers. We have considered the challenges that they face and set out the activities which we believe will support their needs.
High quality teaching is a key focus of our strategy, as well as more targeted academic support, particularly through the National Tutoring Programme. However, we also recognise that wider strategies, such as support with attendance and emotional support, are required in order for pupils to access our high quality teaching and targeted academic support. We do not make any assumptions about the impact of disadvantage upon individual pupils and many of our disadvantaged pupils are high attainers, we consider what support that these pupils may need other than academic support.
There is a whole school strategy in place to ensure consistency in approach for disadvantaged pupils across the phases.
In addition to the above, Cobham Free School gives priority to pupil premium applicants living in the local area under its over-subscription criteria for admissions to the school. More information is available in the Admissions Policy in Policies & Documents.
PE and Sports Funding
Primary schools receive PE and sport premium funding based on the number of pupils in Years 1 to 6. This funding is awarded to help promote and enable sports in the curriculum and encourage pupils to lead healthier lifestyles. Details of funding and expenditure can be found in Policies & Documents.
Apply for Pupil Premium
Cobham Free School has signed up for the Surrey County Council Free School Meal eligibility checking service. This can raise additional funding for the school, so we would be grateful if everybody could complete the form, even if you don't believe you are eligible for free school meals. Some children will qualify for pupil premium for reasons other than household income. Pupil Premium Form >
Uniform Funding
The school has been allocated Walton Charity Opportunities Funding > which can be used to help families with the cost of school uniforms. If you are eligible for pupil premium and need support with purchasing uniform please email the Finance Team >.
Summer School Funding Programme 2021
Cobham Free School ran a two week face-to-face summer school programme using coronavirus funding provided by the ESFA. This was offered to all prospective Year 7 CFS pupils. 428 pupil days of summer school were delivered.
Funding received: £23,319
93% of the funding was spent on staffing costs. The remaining amount on premises costs including cleaning and subsidising lunch costs.
Our current Pupil Premium Strategy Statement can be found in Policies & Documents >.