PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) at Cobham Free School aims to promote a community characterised by kindness and respect for others. It aims to enhance wellbeing and enable positive outcomes, both academic and personal, for our students.


The programme of study fulfills the statutory responsibilities of the school to equip students with the skills and attributes needed to lead healthy, safe and fulfilling lives, empowering individuals to make informed choices both now and in the future. Lessons are tailored to the needs of our cohort and are responsive to events within school, nationally and on a global scale. The British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs fundamentally underpin our curriculum.

The overarching areas of study are:

PSHE is taught through distinct, timetabled lessons in all year groups and through a form time wellbeing programme. Schemes of learning have been developed through a coordinated approach across departments. We regularly welcome outside speakers from a range of outside organisations to support this programme.