Safeguarding & Mental Health

Mental Health

Our pupils’ wellbeing is very important to us; our Deputy Head for pastoral leads on mental health issues and also a Mental Health Champion who promotes the good mental health of pupils and staff. Some of our teachers are trained in mental health first aid (MHFA) and all staff know how to spot the signs that pupils may be struggling emotionally. We have a trained emotional literacy support assistant (ELSA) on our staff team and we have also engaged a school counsellor and a music therapist to work with pupils who may benefit from extra support.

We run a comprehensive well-being programme that promotes good mental health, and pupils are encouraged to follow the Five Ways to Wellbeing. We talk openly about mental health issues and our pupils have a strong support network of adults across the school that they can turn to. Our pupils are all told how to access help from within the school community and from outside agencies. 

We are very proud to have been awarded the School Mental Health Bronze Award by the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools.

Please follow the links below to some outside agencies that can provide mental health support for young people and their families.

Safeguarding procedures

All staff working in school (including teachers, office staff, governors and facilities team) are fully trained on ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023’ and ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018’.

We have a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for both sites , a number of deputy DSLs and a trained social worker based at the main site. 

Laura Newman

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Concerns are taken very seriously, and we follow all procedures and policies thoroughly. Please see our safeguarding policy and our e-safety policy on the policies tab. 

Students can also contact pastoral staff on a dedicated email address at school, and are reminded of contacts for support in and out of school regularly, and these are listed in the student planners. 

We support many students with targeted support through ELSA, Early Help, family Support as well as robust risk assessments and wellbeing plans for individual children and young people which are produced with parents and any other agencies involved. 

Safeguarding always is the top priority at Cobham Free School and this is addressed through a whole school system that fully utilises and draws together different aspects of school life. This includes effective pastoral support, behaviour/relationships policy with appropriate sanctions, and a carefully planned relationships, sex and health education curriculum that covers issues of consent. 

We ensure that safeguarding and child protection are at the forefront of, and underpin all relevant aspects of, process and policy development. 

Children's concerns are always taken seriously, and they know they can safely express their views and give feedback.

We have a designated off-site visits coordinator and robust risk assessment procedures. View our Safeguarding Policy in Policies & Documents for further information.

Additional support

For additional support students and parents can contact:

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Online safety for children and young people

Online safety for parents and carers