Subject - Computing


Junior Intent Statement

At Cobham Free Junior School, we want children to be independent, confident users of technology. Technology is a significant part of everyday life and it is essential children are equipped with the knowledge and skills for their future, including ensuring they know how to stay safe online. We recognise that the best prevention for a lot of issues we currently see with technology/social media is through education. Therefore, we want to model to our pupils how to use technology positively, responsibly and safely. When teaching computing, we equip children with the skills required to use computers effectively to enable them to maximise their potential. To do so, we deploy teaching strategies through the Purple Mash scheme of work that promotes resilience, independence, critical thinking, communication skills and problem solving. We intend on delivering a broad curriculum which encourages a love of learning for children within a progressive sequence.We encourage staff to use technology across the curriculum to make learning creative and accessible. By the end of KS2, we aim for children to be confident users of technology and responsible digital citizens who are ready for their continued learning in KS3 and beyond.

Department led by:

Mrs  Nightingale - EYFS, Key Stage 1 Mrs Johnstone - Key Stage 2

Useful Computing Websites:

>Childnet - help and advice for parents

> UK Safer Internet Primary Zone 

>Purple Mash login page - please ask for your child's login

>BBC Bitesize Computing KS1

>BBC Bitesize Computing KS2