Art and Design
Teaching Staff
Karen Basra - Head of Art and Design
Deepti Mittal
Alison Haine
Intent Statement
The Art and Design department at CFS provides students of all year groups with the opportunity to create artwork in a range of media, during timetabled lessons and during extra curricular activities.
During lesson time students learn about a wide variety of artists and designers from past and present and from different times and cultures. Within this learning, students develop and refine art and design skills and techniques and are encouraged to be independent learners who are able to form opinions of their own and make creative decisions independently. This allows our students to express their own thoughts and ideas, as well as learning to value those of others. Creativity is crucial for young people’s development and therefore we aim to offer an interesting, varied, challenging but accessible learning experience for all.
The department offers a safe and comfortable learning environment and promotes patience and tolerance for others, encouraging our students to always be respectful of others and their thoughts, ideas and opinions.
In the classroom we give students the opportunity to learn about future career choices. Within schemes of learning content includes opportunities to learn about creative careers such as illustration, graphic design, architecture and textile design.
As our students leave Cobham Free School we hope that they will leave with an appreciation of art, design and creativity as well as the skills to be confident and independent decision makers and problem solvers. Independent decision making is always encouraged throughout all key stages and we focus on developing specific habits of mind, including being inquisitive, collaborative, disciplined, imaginative and promoting a growth mindset.
Key Stage 3, Art and Design
Year 7 Art, topics Studied:
TERM 1: The Formal Elements of Art
Colour wheel and colour theory
Tone and value
Line, mark making and texture
Shape and form
TERM 2: Masks from Around the world
Masks and meaning
Observational drawing
Analysis and research
Designing and making
TERM 3: Art Assessment-Independent Project
Researching ideas
Observational drawing
Experimenting with media
Developing ideas
Final independent piece
Year 8 Art, Topics Studied:
TERM 1: Portraits
Drawing portraits/the human figure
Portrait artist case studies
Drawing practice
Mixed media/digital
Designing and making
TERM 2: Art with a Message
Art and meaning
Observational drawing and painting
Analysis and artist research
Designing and making
TERM 3: Art Assessment-Independent Project
Researching ideas
Observational drawing
Experimenting with media
Developing ideas
Final independent piece
Year 9 Art, topics Studied:
TERM 1: Art and Music
Music and art- artist analysis
Colour, meaning and emotion
Observational drawing
Painting skills
Independent final piece
TERM 2: Drawing and Printmaking- GCSE Techniques
Printmaking skills and techniques.
Mono, lino, screen
Artist research and analysis
TERM 3: Art Assessment- Independent Project
Researching ideas
Observational drawing
Experimenting with media
Developing ideas
Final independent piece
Key Stage 3 Design Technology
Classes rotate every 10 weeks between Textiles, Graphics and Food and Nutrition.
Year 7 DT Textiles
Felt Donut project:
Health and safety in DT
Research various donuts/ companies/ toppings
Design a donut
Develop by adding components like sequins/ buttons/ beads
Make a donut
Evaluate your final product
FTP: running, couching and back stitches. Attaching sequins, beads and buttons
Year 8 DT Textiles
Monster Cushion Cover project:
Health and safety in DT
Research on monsters
Design a Monster cushion cover
Develop by adding applique, embroidery and tie-dye
Make a cushion cover
Evaluate your final product
FTP: running and back stitches. Hand sewing applique, tie-dye, handling templates and fabric.
Year 9 DT Textiles
Artist Inspired Apron project:
Health and safety in DT
Research on an artist from a choice of 4
Observational drawing
Artist responses
Artist study: Victoria Villasana for embroidery
Developing artist response to add embroidery
Transfer print artist response and embroider
Evaluate your final product
FTP: running, back, satin, chain etc stitches. Transfer printing.
Year 7 DT Graphics
Illustrated Name
Typography skills
Illustration techniques
Observational drawing
Experimenting with media
Collage Creatures
Artist research
Observational drawing
Media experiments
Producing final outcomes
Year 8 DT Graphics
Experimental Typography
Typographer research
Typography skills
Mixed media experiments
Idea development
Realising intentions
Pop-up Cards
Design research
3D design skills
Idea development
Realising intentions
Year 9 DT Graphics
Experimental Typography
Typographer research
Typography skills
Mixed media experiments
Idea development
Realising intentions
Digital Self Portrait
Artist research
Basic photography skills
Adobe Photoshop experiments.
Key Stage 4, Art and Design
At Key Stage 4 we offer three Art and Design options:
- Fine Art
Here students are required to work in one or more than one of the following areas: drawing, painting, sculpture, installation, photography, printmaking, mixed media
- Textile Design
Here students are required to work in one or more than one of the following areas: art textiles, fashion design and illustration, costume design, constructed textiles, printed and dyed textiles, surface pattern, stitched and/or embellished textiles, soft furnishings and/or textiles for interiors, digital textiles.
- Graphic Communication
Here students are required to work in one or more than one of the following areas: communication graphics, design for print, advertising and branding, illustration, package design, typograph, signage, exhibition graphics
The syllabus is made up of:
1) Personal Portfolio (60% of the GCSE)
2)Externally Set Assignment (ESA) (40% of the GCSE)
Students produce two portfolios that show a cohesive body of work from an initial starting point, showing development and experimentation to a final piece of work.
Year 10 Term 1
Introduction to GCSE
Skills based workshops
Term 2
Start Personal Portfolio
Students choose a starting point for their project
Artist research and analysis
Experimenting with media
Developing ideas
Year 11 Term 1
Finalise Personal Portfolio
Make final piece
Term 2 and 3
Externally set Assignment
How it is assessed?
Exam board: AQA
There are four assessment objectives and these are very important. Students need to provide evidence of all four in the Personal Portfolio and Externally Set Assignment (ESA).
Each Assessment Objective is worth 25%.
AO1: Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources.
AO2: Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques and processes.
AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses.
AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language.
Extra-curricular opportunities
After school ECA sessions are offered to Key Stage 4 Art and Design students as well as a Friday afternoon coursework catchup ECA.
In Year 10 there is a gallery visit to London.